Tuesday, January 17, 2012

10 Things That Will Make Men Run Away From You

!±8± 10 Things That Will Make Men Run Away From You

1. Pretending to be interested in the same things they are. In the beginning, this might sound like a good idea since it will make it seem like you have common interests; however, once he really starts talking about the subject, you will quickly get lost and have no idea how to respond. It is always better to say up front that you are not familiar with whatever he is talking about. And this will probably give him an opportunity to teach you something new.

2. Incessant chattering. A lot of people try to mask their nervousness by talking too much. Give him a chance to tell you about his day or what he did recently. While some men do not like to talk that much, a lot of men really appreciate it when you give them the chance to be heard.

3. Do not bore him to tears. He is interested in YOU! That means he would like you to engage him in some conversation. He wants to know how you are doing, what you are thinking about, and facts about your life. It is very easy to do. Simply respond to what he says and ask him questions about the things he likes to do.

4. Do not dress like a slut. I am not saying that you should not wear short skirts or low-cut tops, but only wear them if they look good on you. I am quite sure that you have seen some women at nightclubs and bars wearing incredibly revealing outfits, and you know how unattractive they look. Do not fall prey to the same temptation. Showing more skin does not make you more attractive to men. In a lot of cases it makes you look cheap.

5. Do not act desperate. If he gets a sense that you are after any piece of meat you can find, he is not going to be that interested in you. It is OK to want a man, but do not go about looking for one by compromising all your principles and morals. Men are not attracted to women that are cheap and easy to get.

6. Do not lie about who you are or what you have accomplished. Do not lie about your job, your age, your past relationships, or what you have achieved in your life in order to impress a man. Sooner or later your lies will come back and bite you in the butt.

7. Do not be afraid to voice your opinion. A man will get very frustrated if you never say what you want and always keep him guessing. Tell him!

8. Do not Play games with men. Yes, you can have lots of fun and laugh about things but not at his or her expense. Do not lead him on. If you are not romantically interested in a man do not say or do things that will lead him to believe that you are interested in getting romantically involved with him.

9. Show your confidence without coming across as arrogant.

10. Finally, do not judge men by unrealistic standards you have set. Every man is different, so be ready to judge the men you meet by those standards that fairly measure the worth of that particular man. If you set one standard that everybody must meet you will find out quickly that no one man will meet all the criteria you have set.

10 Things That Will Make Men Run Away From You

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